Contoh Teks Descriptive Dalam Bahasa Inggris - Okufo


Learning In Wikrama Vocational High School Is Very Fun


Wikrama Vocational High School is a school that was founded in 1996 by Ir. Itasia Dina Sulvianti and Dr. H. RP Agus Lelana. Wikrama Vocational High School is an environment-based school that makes students feel comfortable being there because the environment is clean. And there is no plastic waste because the school does not encourage students to bring packaging to school. Wikrama Vocational High School has a variety of majors namely RPL, MMD, TKJ, OTKP, BDP, Catering, and Hospitality. All majors are divided into two weeks, productive weeks and adaptive weeks.

Wikrama Vocational High School has a moving class system when changing subjects. The benefits of moving class is that we can meet different friends jurusa. And with the moving class we are doing physical activities such as going up and down stairs to strengthen leg muscles. And make students not think bored and bored when in the same room. While learning we are divided into three study groups, each group consists of one chairman and two members who make it easy for the teacher to carry out assessments so that students can understand and also teach each other to help their group friends to better understand what the teacher teaches.

In Wikrama Vocational High School there is a training called CBT (Competence Based Training). What is useful is to train students to be responsible, to be more independent and to never be tired. All students will carry out CBT according to the schedule determined by the teacher. CBT is divided into 4 namely CBT for environmental education, CBT for entrepreneurship, CBT for public relations and productive CBT.

Wikrama Vocational High School with the concept of character education and its various advantages. Wikrama Vocational High School is able to absorb more than 1800 students or 600 students in one year. Even the absorption of this school graduate in the work world reaches 80%


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